twine for Learning & Development

Employee training and development can be a challenge in remote work environments. Beyond simply reading / watching the content, there are many aspects of the professional development experience that can be lost in a remote setting.

Are your employees truly learning and discussing the topics at hand? Are they building relationships with their peers? Are they able to break out into small group settings?

twine for Slack screenshot
of remote employees saying communication is the biggest challenge of remote work

How does twine elevate employee training?

twine is a helpful addition to any kind of remote training. Our platform facilitates meaningful discussion of learnings, fosters connection amongst coworkers & cohorts, and saves employers time.

twine for Zoom group chattwine icon

Here’s how twine makes remote training & development experiences better:

Small group discussions on learnings

Need to break out into small groups to discuss the material? Want to match mentors with mentees? Within seconds, twine hosts can set rules that match employees for 1-on-1 or group conversations based on the needs of your meeting.

twine automatically rotates employees for you, guaranteeing uniqueness in matches and cutting back on awkward transition periods between sessions.

Structured discussions

twine’s software comes with tons of built-in conversation prompts (i.e. icebreakers, team building questions, sales kickoffs…) but also makes it easy for hosts to upload their own prompts to a twine session. Employers can design specific questions that help employees review & discuss training content.

all-hands meetings

Companies use twine for:

Company Policy Discussions
New Hire Training
Feedback Sessions
Meet the Executive

The specifics

Teams who use twine for training & development see higher engagement, increased productivity, and strengthened connections amongst employees.

twine for Zoom screenshot

Here’s how twine makes remote training & development experiences better:

Small group discussions on learnings

Need to break out into small groups to discuss the material? Would you like to match mentors with mentees? Within seconds, twine hosts can set rules that match employees for 1-on-1 or group conversations based on the needs of your meeting.

twine automatically rotates employees for you, guaranteeing uniqueness in matches and cutting back on awkward transition periods between sessions.

Structured discussions

twine’s software comes with tons of built-in conversation prompts (i.e. icebreakers, team building questions, sales kickoffs…) but also makes it easy for hosts to upload their own prompts to a twine session. Employers can design specific questions that help employees review & discuss training content.

Building connection amongst coworkers & cohorts

“Cohort Connection” — that sense of unity that coworkers have during in-person trainings & onboarding — often gets overlooked in remote sessions; twine brings it back.

Saving time

If you’ve ever tried to set up Breakout Rooms in Zoom, you know how time-consuming it can be — particularly if you need certain employees or departments paired with one another.

Breaking up the content

Throw in a quick round-robin twine session between training sessions, where employees can connect with team members and take the same kind of break they would in the office.

twine works where you do. Use our Slack app to spark spontaneous conversation, generate a twine web link in 20 seconds, or open up twine for Zoom without leaving your call.

Connect your employees with twine

Teams that use twine see higher engagement, increased productivity, and strengthened connections amongst employees.